What a Weekend at Teen Camp in Barretstown ☀️

The sun came out and shone brightly for this year’s Teen Camp in Barretstown. The parents left, the fun began and didn’t stop. From Silly Olympics to horse riding, to kayaking, to archery, creative theatre, dancing and performing to most importantly making new friends, it was all go go go.



A massive thank you to all of the paediatric diabetes medical team and volunteers from Diabetes Ireland, Cork University Hospital and Children’s Hospital Ireland who gave up their weekend to make this happen. They along with Barretstown staff and Cara’s were fantastic but it was our remarkable teens who truly stole the spotlight. The weekend was not only filled with fun and adventure but also fostered countless new friendships, underscoring the immense value of the Camp experience.



Also a huge thank you to everyone who fundraised over the past 18 months to make this happen and to the Cork University Hospital Charity who covered the coach hire.



📅 Mark Your Calendars! Our next Teen Activity event will be on Friday 5th July when we descend on Dunmore East and Lough Key Forest Park Activity Centre for another day of fun.



Don’t miss out!!! Join in the Fun 🎉


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