People with diabetes who have a higher than recommended HbA1c to be prioritised for COVID 19 vaccine

Diabetes Ireland welcomes the announcement from the Government today prioritising people with underlying health conditions, including diabetes, for earlier access to the COVID vaccine by moving us further up the priority list. Diabetes Ireland has been working with a wide range of charities under an Irish Platform for Patient Organisations, Science & Industry (IPPOSI) initiative which was urging Government to prioritise people with chronic and rare diseases of all ages in the rollout of COVID 19 vaccines.


Changes to the initial Vaccine Allocation Strategy have been made as national and international evidence has become available which has enabled a more detailed analysis of underlying conditions that may increase the risk of developing severe disease or death with COVID 19. The National Immunisation Advisory Committee has now been able to more comprehensively identify those medical conditions and to distinguish between those which place a person at very high or high risk of severe disease if they contract the virus.


The new rollout strategy means the order in which some people with diabetes will receive the vaccine has changed. The new fourth stage of the roll out which comes into effect after all those over 70 are vaccinated will see vaccines going to people age 16-69 who are considered at very high risk of developing severe COVID 19. Criteria for this allocation group is for people with diabetes who have a HbA1c ≥58.



See the following press release for more information:


It may still be some time before people under 70 with diabetes receive an invite for vaccination but as further information becomes available, we will let you know. For now, please continue to follow HSE COVID Guidelines and stay safe.