Stress and Crisis

Remember, stress is a normal part of life. It is a normal reaction to the changes, problems, disappointments and challenges that people face. In fact, stress is such a normal part of life that the body usually reacts to it in useful and predictable ways. It is important for the person with diabetes to be aware of stress and to understand how stress can affect blood sugar. Coping with stress is an essential part of your diabetes care.


When under pressure

When you are under pressure, the body reacts by releasing stress hormones such as adrenaline and cortisone. These hormones cause sugar to be released from the liver. Even though stress usually causes your blood sugar to rise, you may feel as though your blood sugar is low. That is because adrenaline can cause many of the symptoms of low blood sugar. If you are not sure whether your blood glucose is rising or falling, test it to find out. Only then can you take the correct action.


Causes of stress

All sorts of events can cause stress in a person’s life. You know what causes you to feel tense or under pressure. It may be something as simple as an irritating noise. Problems at home or at work may become stressful. Even happy life changes, like getting married, can cause stress. It is important that you recognise when stress is increasing.


Long periods of stress

Sometimes stressful situations continue over a long period of time. If this happens, you may need help to solve problems. You may also need help to keep your blood sugar under control during this period. Long term stress may be caused by serious illness in the family, conflicts at work or preparing for an important exam.



Coping with stress

Sometimes, it helps to talk about your problems with someone you trust. Share your feelings with family or friends. People who know you well may help you find positive solutions to your problems. Be sure to let the members of your diabetes care team know when you need help to resolve stress. Sometimes talking with a psychologist can be a great help.



Diabetes Ireland offer a counselling service from their Care Centres in Dublin & Cork at an affordable price.

Dublin Appointments, click here

Cork Appointment, click here


New powerful feelings

Do you remember when you first learned that you had diabetes? Your reaction may have been, “That’s impossible!” Nobody chooses to develop a lifelong condition like diabetes. Most of us never think about the possibility of having a serious illness — until it happens. Then, suddenly, we are forced to cope not only with major changes in our daily lives but with new and often powerful feelings. For some people, the stress of adapting to life with diabetes can become a crisis.

Shock phase

The shock phase begins at the outset of the crisis. During this time you may not be able to think clearly or act rationally. Some people appear to be composed and in control. This apparent “calm” often hides inner confusion. Friends, family and professionals who offer information, advice and recommendations now, are often wasting their time. During the shock phase, new information simply doesn’t sink in.

Reaction phase

This phase starts when you begin to understand what has happened to you. You may dwell on what has happened or try to come up with an explanation. This often results in feelings of guilt, even though what has happened is not your fault. You may wrongly blame others — especially people close to you — for your problem. During this time, you need support and understanding from others.

Reconstruction phase

During the Reconstruction Phase you begin to accept what has happened to you. You are learning to cope with your new situation. You are able to look at what has happened more realistically and without guilt. You begin to look ahead, make independent decisions and work toward new goals.

Reorientation phase

In this phase the “wound” of your crisis begins to heal. You have learned to live with the fact that you have diabetes, even though it may still hurt at times. Most people are now more realistic about living with diabetes. They reflect upon their situation and ask questions. At this time, people are able to learn from their experiences and to absorb information provided by the diabetes care team.

The outcome of a crisis

The outcome of a crisis is greatly influenced by the resources at hand and by the support and understanding of family, friends and the helping professionals in your diabetes care team. A lot also depends on your own behaviour and attitude. It’s up to you to decide how to respond to this new challenge in your life.

Life with diabetes

No one but you can decide what your life with diabetes will be like. You must discover your own new path in life, what you want, where you want to go. But you’re not alone. Seek help when you need it. Your diabetes care team is there to help you, not only when you first learn that you have diabetes, but whenever you face new challenges or problems. Use all the resources available to you, to gain the knowledge and insight you need to manage your life with diabetes well.


Sometimes talking with a psychologist or counsellor can be a great help. Below is a list of counsellors throughout Ireland. For a more extensive list please visit the Irish Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy


Revised 07.01.20